
I mentioned to Crowely That I had never done a collab with another artist, and we decided to do one.

Later, while we attended a gallery at the Hollander project in Reno, we decided to do something purely fun for our collab and drew inspiration from the dog playing cards painting. We both liked to draw monsters and set out to design the painting.

Later Crowley texted me out of the blue, “What if we did a a whole gallery?“

And then came several trips to coffee bars where we spent hours drawing thumbnails and discussing what we wanted, and there “Capitalism” and the surrounding works were fleshed out.

Partially this series of paintings came as a rejection of the snootiness that fills the modern art world. We wanted something fun, that mixed our different art styles.


This piece shows four mutants huddled around a table filled with treasure and food as they play poker with the beholder of the table whose many eyes spy on each of their cards giving none a chance to win. The characters themselves play with immense wealth, each confident in their ability to win this game.

The head of the table is an attempt to create a character that actively blends our styles. The other characters are designed and painted singularly, showcasing our own takes on character design and rendering. The background of the piece was painted together.

This piece won First place at the Truckee Meadows Community College student art show in 2024.

Crowley on the left, and Myself on the right posing with our painting after winning first place.

The gallery is complete and will be on display in September 2024 at the Truckee Meadows Community College Student Art Gallery.